• loved •
If I had to choose one word to describe what today meant to me—it would be “loved”. A few months back, when I was still pregnant with Collins, my sweet friend Lauryn planned a little sprinkle for me since I was having my first girl. It had to be cancelled due to COVID and all the world’s craziness. I was so sad not to get to see all my girls and to anticipate my coming birth with them. But this morning, they threw us a little “Meet Collins” girls brunch and instead of celebrating her while she was inside my belly—we got to celebrate her little life with her actually in the room today. We talked about her birth story, we watched the video and I reminisced about how scary my pregnancy with her was and what a miracle it is that’s she’s here with us. Today I felt so loved. And Collins is loved by so many and she doesn’t even know it yet. Find people in your life who love you enough to celebrate these kinds of moments with you. I’ll never forget this special day and I’m so blessed to have this tribe. Lauryn and Jeanette—thank you so much for planning such a beautiful brunch. And to all you girls—thank you for loving us so big. 😭💗